Shade: A Lesson from My Labrador’s Sister

The spring afternoon was warm and humid.  Tired from another round of chase and wrestle, our Labrador Adi and her sister Nova got a drink of water and began looking for a place to lie down and rest.  Adi opted for the cool concrete of the patio.  Nova, on the other hand, wanted something cool and shady, so she sought out her favorite resting spots from the previous year. 

Nova’s first choice was the bush bordering the patio where a Lab- sized hole once existed under the shade of its overgrown limbs.  Only, the overgrown limbs had been pruned and the hole filled.   So, she went in search of last summer’s hangout among the cool, shady Hosta leaves.  Once a plant was located, she lay down only to find its leaves were still in the early stage of growth and offered absolutely no shade. 

Finally, she wandered over to the area of lawn shaded by a hedgerow.  In the shadow of the large evergreens, Nova finally found a place where she could rest and recuperate.

I couldn’t help but relate to Nova’s quest to find a shady resting spot.  When exhausted physically, mentally, and/or socially, I, like Nova, am quick to turn to things that in previous seasons provided a restful haven- a book, a place, a TV series, a craft etc.    Only in returning to them, I find they don’t provide the rest I remember.   Although there is nothing inherently wrong with any of these things, the reality is that the shade they provide is limited. 

As I watched Nova stretch out and relax in the abundant shade of the massive evergreens, I was reminded God’s shadow is big enough to cover me and offer an abundant, satisfying retreat in every season and for every reason.

“He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty.” – Psalm 91:1, NIV 1984

“The Lord will watch over you- the Lord is your shade at your right hand; the sun will not harm you by day, nor the moon by night.” – Psalm 121:5

© 2024, Lessons from a Lab, Beth Alisan.  All Rights Reserved.

A message to my fellow bloggers

Spring has begun a season of transition for my family.  Over these last months, I’ve been working through the admissions process for our children to attend a Christian school next year while at the same time applying for a job.  Our teenagers also decided to both try their hands at theatrics.  Not one to sit idle, I volunteered my sewing skills to help with costumes.  All this to say, my time has not been my own, and I have grown further and further behind in my WordPress reading.  Once our homeschooling year wraps up and I’m settled into my new job, I look forward to reconnecting with you all and enjoying your latest posts.  Sincerely,  Beth Alisan

6 thoughts on “Shade: A Lesson from My Labrador’s Sister

  1. It’s easy for women to forget the Golden Rule works both ways. Moms, especially, often love everyone else to the point of exhaustion and complete neglect of themselves. Go sit in the shade a bit before that new job starts rolling. ❤️


  2. Wishing you blessings in the midst of this busy time! This was a wonderful post and a reminder that we must rest in God in order to obtain peace in our lives. Without Him, there is no peace and no chance of renewal. God is there with us in our quiet moments and in our busy moments as well. He is our dwelling place at all times, renewing our hearts and minds. It is the first day of May and we are enjoying abundant sunshine today. God has blessed us with the wonder of this new month…wishing you many moments of wonder that you write about so beautifully in your blogs. In the midst of all your hard work, many people are being blessed and that is an awesome thing!!!

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  3. Reading about my favourite doggy friends seeking shade reminded me of my favourite shaded prayer spots in the woodlands of my younger years. One favourite spot took a long walk to reach but it was lovely; I sat at the crest of a hill with the leafy branches of birch hiding me from the sun and outside view. I spent many hours there meditating as the wee birds chirped and sang in the nearest branches, for me it was as good as any prayer Chapel. He was there with me, and how refreshing it was. Thank you for sharing your precious post and being a blessing to many of your readers. May our Father God continue to guide and bless you and your family in these times of change for you 🙏

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Alan for painting a picture of your woodland prayer chapel. Sounds perfect in every way. You are truly one of the few souls I’ve encountered in life that understand the rich commune with God that only takes place when surrounded by His creation. Thank you for the lovely blessing.

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