The Promise of a Taste

“How sweet the taste of Your promise is! It tastes sweeter than honey.: -Psalm 119:103

Open the lid of a peanut butter jar in our household and a black Lab with irresistible chocolate brown eyes will instantly appear at your feet.  She knows if she waits patiently and just long enough, she’ll get a lick if not an entire spoonful.  The promise of that taste brings her running every time.

One day, as my youngest daughter read aloud the words to Psalm 119: 103 the image of Adi and peanut butter played through my head.  I couldn’t help but think that this is how I should come to my time in God’s word.  Eagerly anticipating the sweet taste of our Father’s promises. 


Adi quickly taught young Summer the joys of peanut butter. As I was making peanut butter cookies, I snapped this picture of my attentive audience waiting patiently for a spoonful. Look closely and you’ll see Adi drooling in anticipation.

Lord, may my love for Your Word be evident to my children and inspire them to eagerly read your scriptures drooling in anticipation of what they will receive from You. Amen.

My son, eat honey, because it is good, And the drippings of the honeycomb are sweet to your taste. Know that [skillful and godly] wisdom is [so very good] for your life and soul; If you find wisdom, then there will be a future and a reward, And your hope and expectation will not be cut off.

Proverbs 24: 13-14, Amplified

© 2022, Lessons from a Lab, Beth Alisan.  All Rights Reserved.

30 thoughts on “The Promise of a Taste

  1. You have so many wonderful lessons to share, Jo. I love this analogy and it also reminds me of the verse … Taste and see that the Lord is good. Psalm 34:8 ❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Great thoughts, Beth. I was craving ice cream the other day, after mowing the yard. God whispered to me, “What if you wanted fellowship with me like you want that hot fudge sundae?”

    Beth, your site is a perfect example of quality, versus quantity. You don’t post often, but when you do, it’s great stuff! This keeps people coming back for more. Also, you make one excellent point and then leave it at that. It’s a great plan to follow for any blogger. Less if often more.

    Have a wonderful 4th of July. I hope fireworks don’t bother Adi and Summer.

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    1. Thank you David! I hope your story has one of two endings (or maybe even both). Either you and God enjoyed some wonderful fellowship over a hot fudge sundae or you’re inspired to weave this into a David’s Daily Dose. I greatly appreciate your kind words about my blog. I’m just so grateful the Lord provides for a monthly post. He knows my capacity well. To try to publish any more lessons a month would take away my ability to serve Him in other areas. Happy 4th of July to you and your family. Unfortunately both dogs are bothered by the fireworks. Summer barks and tries to hide while Adi cowers and shakes. So while the kids got outside to enjoy the neighboring firework displays tonight, I’ll hunker down in a room with the dogs and either listen to loud music or play the TV loud in hopes it will drown out the booming sound.


    1. Thank you Pastor Pete! They are just smart enough not to get themselves in trouble and usually use their smarts to stay out of trouble. Both pups are spoiled, but don’t realize it. If you asked them they would say the cat is the most spoiled because she gets to lay on any piece of furniture in the house.

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  3. Beth, I love this analogy–perfect. I chuckled reading about Adi and Summer. I have two small dogs who also enjoy peanut butter. They are so in tune that if I open the kitchen cabinet where my peanut butter is stored they race into the kitchen hopeful it’s coming out and they may get a taste. I’m astounded that they can distinguish that cabinet from five others just like it, they all sound identical to my ears.

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    1. Thank you Gary! You know firsthand how saturating yourself in the Word translates to the Lord driving home His truths through His Creation. I only blog about the lessons learned from the dogs but just as often as I take in God’s magnificent handiwork in nature, other scriptural lessons come to mind. Like the bindweed that grew up in my flower bed during my two weeks in the mountains. Hebrews 12:1 kept coming to mind as I worked to liberate my peonies and lilies from the bindweed’s deadly clutches.


    1. Thank you Alan! You put a big smile on my face when I read that you consider this lesson a devotional treasure. Your devotions have given me so many spiritual treasures that I’m grateful to give in return. I hope you and Susan have a lovely summer weekend!

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  4. Every reader has their own special “take” on a blog article. “The Promise of a Taste” created warm, intrinsic feelings as I read and looked at the pictures – like, I want to sit with Adi and Summer and watch you make peanut butter cookies. Even better would be to sit down with you and taste a cookie along with a stimming cup of Constant Comment Tea. Oh, what a “cookie klatch” that would be. Thank you Beth. I really enjoyed this one.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh I love that thought Mary!! A cookie klatch over Constant Comment Tea sounds delightful and delicious. I’m glad that the review posted on Amazon! Thank you for making my life richer by writing “The Wonted Voice of Forgiveness.” I am intrigued as to how the characters from this book will be woven into the sequel “The Same Rainbow’s End.”


    1. Thank you Andy B! I’m a person of routine which is great in that things always gets done but I tend to approach my routine very matter of fact rather than with enthusiasm. I have to guard myself that I don’t view time with the Lord as just part of my routine but see it for the special time that it is.


  5. Guess what I am eating as I read this blog? A spoonful of peanut butter! This is often my morning routine. And so is time in God’s Word. I look forward to opening my Bible and seeing how God speaks to me. Adi’s drooling is the perfect picture of how I often feel as I anticipate tasting God’s words. And I love the analogy of Adi teaching Summer and how we can teach our children and others to “taste and see that the Lord is good.” What a wonderful lesson today, Beth!

    Liked by 4 people

    1. Patty, Thank you for your kind words. I can’t think of a more appropriate thing to be doing than eating a peanut butter spoon will reading this post. If Adi were there you would find a drool puddle at your feet. The verse “taste and see” is the perfect addition to this lesson.

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  6. Wow! Such an awesome post! I will think of this often. (I like peanut butter too.) That photo of the pups watching you bake cookies is wonderful. Wishing you a very good weekend! 🙂 Thank you for creating such an incredible reminder of the healing power of God’s word. It is the balm that our souls need on a continuous basis…each and every day.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Thank you Linda! Your comment reminded me of a snippet of a verse from Hebrews that I read this morning. “The Son is the radiance of God’s glory . . . sustaining all things by His powerful Word.” (Hebrews 1:3)


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