A Moment with Our Creator: Psalm 37:7

“Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;”

Psalms 37:7a

Today’s scripture photograph of Adi’s father Max lying at the dock is only a snapshot of Psalms 37. My hope is that this photograph will inspire you to pick up your Bible and read the entirety of Psalm 37. In that chapter you will find both guidance and encouragement for walking through these tumultuous days

© 2022, Lessons from a Lab, Beth Alisan.  All Rights Reserved.

Photograph used with permission of the owner

33 thoughts on “A Moment with Our Creator: Psalm 37:7

  1. This post is just what I needed today, Beth. I need the truths of this rich Psalm every day, for every single verse is a dish in the feast that you mentioned. The picture of Max is perfect. A disciplined dog is a dog who will wait patiently. As I grow in the Lord, I too will be more disciplined to wait for Him to do what I want done NOW. 🙂 I love verse 5 of this Psalm: Commit your way to the Lord; trust in Him and He will do it. I have a note at that verse reminding me that to commit means to lay on God’s shoulders the heavy burden. When I do that, then He will do the rest. I have another note by that verse about Aaron and his future. Anyway, look how I’ve gone on! 🙂 I do appreciate you, Beth, and the way you are so encouraging. Blessings!

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    1. Patty, your comment makes my heart smile. I’m so glad you sat and feasted on Psalms 37. Thank you for sharing the note you have written next to verse 5 in your bible. Laying my burden on God’s shoulders seems so appealing to the mind yet is so hard in practice. One moment I commit and in the next I snatch it back. Your words, “A disciplined dog is a dog who will wait patiently” may just spark another lesson from a Lab. My mind began running with it the moment I read it. May the Lord wrap you in the arms of His peace today and be your “strength every morning” (Isaiah 33:2).

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  2. Thank you for this gem from a great psalm Beth, which prompted me to read it today…
    The steps of a man are established by the Lord,
    And He delights in his way.
    — Psalm 37:23
    In this verse is the reason why it is wise to wait on Him; He knows our beginning and our end…even our footsteps! How fruitful it is to wait on Him.

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  3. Thank you for this lesson, Beth. It seems incredible to me the affection I have come to feel for Adi, and now Max, through your words and your apt choices of photographic metaphor aligning with chosen scripture. I am now quite certain some dogs sense and understand the Father’s presence in our world, depending on their owners. And Psalm 37 has long been a jewel of many returns for me.

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    1. GW, reading your comment made my heart smile. More than once I’ve found myself watching the peaceful way in which Adi lays in the yard watching her surroundings or the delightful exuberance in which she races through the woods and fields as we hike and thought, “She has no doubt in her mind as to who her Creator is.” These Labradors are a living example of the simple yet profound way of life lived in loving devotion and service to their human master. How much more should I live the same way in loving devotion and service to my Lord and Savior.

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    1. You’re welcome! I’m a visual learner and I need pictures to help me learn and remember things. Creating these scripture photos has helped me tremendously in the area of scripture memorization.


  4. scribelady

    I really need that visual reminder today, since my car is in the garage, and I am eagerly awaiting the call to pick it up! 🙂 Also, while that is a specific instance, I need it in more general terms, as anxiety gets after me to do things which turn out to be not the best (wisest) thing to do. I know God uses waiting as a discipline, and if we wait when He wants us to, we get the blessing from it.

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    1. I’m so glad this scripture photo was a blessing to you today! I love how the Lord brings us the scripture we need most right in the moment. I agree waiting is a discipline with a blessing at the end. I’m grateful the Lord keeps handing me situations that force me to strengthen that waiting muscle (though in the moment I know I sound grumbly and rumbly inside about it).


    1. Thank you Nancy! For this past week, I’ve found myself going back each morning and and rereading the first 10 verses, allowing those words “Do not fret” to take root in my mind.


  5. I have many verses underlined in Psalm 37, as well, including verse 7!

    It’s interesting, I just finished a cross reference study on Psalm 46:10–“Be still and know that I am God.” The reoccurring idea is that there is no other God besides Him. We are the “sheep of His pasture.”

    I enjoyed the video, Beth. Thank you for sharing. God Bless!

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    1. Thank you David for sharing from your study of Psalms 46:10! Author Margaret Feinberg wrote about something she calls the “sacred echo”- when the same message comes from multiple sources. I would say more than ever we need to solidify our foundation on the fact that “There is no other God besides Him” so that we are not swept away by the storm. Your comment in turn echoes what I was reading in Isaiah this morning- “I am the Lord and there is no other.” (45:5) On another note the song in the video was written and performed by the worship team at our church a few years back. I was listening to it the other day and as soon as I heard the closing words, “Teach us to be still. Teach us to be silent” I knew I needed to include it with this scripture photo.

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